Nicola Paoletti

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), King's College London

  • (2018–2022) Lecturer, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
  • (2016–2018) Post–doctoral Associate, Stony Brook University, USA
  • (2014–2016) Research Assistant, University of Oxford, UK
  • (2011–2013) Ph.D. Candidate, Universita di Camerino, IT


My work is in safety and security assurance of cyber-physical (aka autonomous) systems, or CPSs, i.e., systems characterised by computing devices that monitor and control physical processes. CPSs are found in numerous safety-critical domains like avionics, autonomous vehicles, and biomedical devices, domains where system errors can have fatal consequences. My research aims to develop formal analysis methods (verification, control, and synthesis) to design CPSs that are provably correct, with an emphasis on biomedical applications. With CPSs increasingly incorporating AI/ML components for e.g., sensing, control and model predictions, my work also focuses on data-driven verification of CPSs, whereby formal analysis and principled learning methods come together to provide correctness guarantees for such systems by fully taking into account their uncertainty and (potential) brittleness.


  • (2022-2025) WP leader in grant: REXASI-PRO: REliable & eXplAinable Swarm Intelligence for People with Reduced mObility (ID: 101070028)
  • (2022-2025) PI in grant: MCPS-Verisec: Model-based security of medical cyber-physical systems (ID: EP/W014785/1)


  • (2022) Best paper award at at FORMATS 2022, the 20th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems
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